How To Get The Most Out Of Your Bible
Hey you guys!
I know its been a few weeks since I've posted anything but with school starting and everything I haven't had much time to post anything new. And because of school I have not been able to read my bible as much. It is no excuse and I get that but I'm really trying to get back into things.
You can probably tell by the title that I'm going to show you how I study the bible and how to get the most out of your time when you're reading and studying.
I know its been a few weeks since I've posted anything but with school starting and everything I haven't had much time to post anything new. And because of school I have not been able to read my bible as much. It is no excuse and I get that but I'm really trying to get back into things.
You can probably tell by the title that I'm going to show you how I study the bible and how to get the most out of your time when you're reading and studying.
1. Tools
When you are studying the bible there are a few things you are gonna want to have with you. There is of course the obvious like a Bible and a few pens, pencils, and highlighters. But what I've noticed is that people overlook one of my favorite things, a notebook. I think if you're studying anything you want to take notes and go back and realize what The Lord revealed to you.
2. Verses
You're gonna want to know what to study. That's always been a problem, at least for me, to know what to study. So find a system and stick with it, even if its just 15 verses a day. But find books you want to read at first, don't start with something hard to read like Deuteronomy, start with a book like John or James.
3. Find Scripture To Memorize
When you memorize verses, memorize verses you'll actually need. Don't memorize the first verse you see. Go on pinterest or google and search for verses for certain problems you have in your daily life. If you have a problem with lying search "verses for lying" and a ton of verses will come up, find some that you love and memorize them. To help you memorize verses, remember to write it down. Its the best way to memorize, read it ten times, write it ten times, say it two times and it will be memorized.
4. Studying Passages
When you're studying many verses at a time, circle words that come up repeatedly. If a word comes up more than once it must be important. If you read something that you think sounds sketchy, read into the context, it might not be that weird to them at the time. Remember though, only highlight if you really like the verse. Don't highlight everything you see because your bible is not suppose to be to show others how good of a Christian you are.
5. Prayer Journal
Now you might have heard of a prayer journal but if you haven't its basically just how it sounds, a notebook or journal filled with prayers. This could also be the same journal you use to write notes over the bible with. After a while of writing your prayers you can go back and read what The Lord has done in your life.
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